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Message Bill Gates

Send a message to Bill Gates. Your voice matters!

Habibullah Üstün June 18, 2024

Dear Mr. Bill Gates,

First and foremost, I would like to express my admiration for your work in technology and humanitarian efforts across the globe. Your leadership in innovation and dedication to helping people around the world has been a source of inspiration for many.

I am writing this letter to share with you the answers that Islam provides to some of life's most fundamental questions. Islam is a faith that aims to guide humanity towards a life built on peace, justice, and compassion. Our holy book, the Quran, serves as a universal guide for all people, explaining the purpose of life, our creation, and the realities we will encounter in the hereafter.

Throughout your life, you have taken remarkable steps to make the world a better place. However, I believe that the deepest way for a person to find inner peace and fulfillment lies in their relationship with the Creator. Islam is a faith that shows people the path to finding peace and happiness, both in this world and the next.

I invite you to explore Islam more deeply and seek the mercy and guidance of Allah. One of the most powerful ways to bring about peace and justice in the world is for each individual to find their own journey toward truth. I sincerely hope that you will take steps in this direction.

The message of Islam is a call to humanity: to live in peace, to uphold justice, and to remember our duty to our Creator. I warmly invite you to discover this profound message and contribute to making the world a better place.

With endless blessings and peace,
